How to do an SEO Competitive Analysis

SEO competitive analysis is the process of researching and analyzing the online presence of your competitors to identify opportunities to improve your own search engine rankings. Here are the steps you can take to conduct an effective SEO competitive analysis: Identify your top competitors: Start by identifying who your top competitors are in your industry or niche. Look for businesses that offer similar products or services and target the…


Top Digital Marketing Agency in Balasore

Sellopedia Best Website & Digital Marketing Agency in Balasore Sellopedia is a Marketing Consultancy and Digital Marketing Agency . Its Started with a vision of providing Solutions to the Startups and SMEs in their Marketing and Operations. We have Expert Digital Marketing Team , Specialized Marketing Consultants and Support team who are helping Startups and SMEs to achieve their Goal in Marketing and saving their CAPEX ( Capital Expenditure…

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10 Reasons Choose Digital Marketing If You Have Small Or Medium Business ??

Recently I met my friend Ritesh ( Name chaged Due to Privacy ) , He is onwer of Group Institutes , he is providing Medical and paramedical courses . We do some chatting about the his business , then he explained me his problem. His problem is before admission season. he had to start advertise about his business in Local Print media and also to newschannels to Promote . Not only that he is circulating reflects and putting billboards in high traffic areas . He spend lakhs of rupees during the admission and hardly get queries about admission. He is so disappointed about this marketing method but still he is doing the same due to he didn’t know any other way to market his institute.

As he knows I am consulting many small and medium business in their marketing and sales , so he asked me ” How can I make better markerting with low budget and grow my business ?”

To know more read more

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