How You Can Build Brand with Low Budget ?Low cost Branding Model.
In the Todays world Brand is everything , If you position your brand well in the market then you can get get better market share then your competition in the business .
So Branding is everthing , its the identity of your business in the mindset of your potential customer. Due to complexity environment of the business these days branding your business cost you with a very high budget and more time . But we will discuss some Formulas where you can brand your business easily . This is known as Low cost Branding Model.
1.WWH Formula
- W- Why you want to do branding ?
- W – What you are offering to your customer ?
- H – How you are solving the customer’s pain point ?
Lets take example of Saffola Brand , They discover 25% to 30% population of urban India and 15% to 20% of rural india population are facing the problem of obesity. So they Got ” WHY ” they going do branding for . They got the real problem of urban and rural India ( mostly urban India ).Then they find out ” WHAT ” they will offer to their customer is Oats , which help them reduce weight . Now the question is ” HOW “ , people got unhealthy due to eating mouth watering junk food , so they introducted Tasty + healthy = Masala oats . They look into the 3 questions before started branding .
2.Look And Feel
Look and feel of brand is very essential these days . As we say in hindi ” जो दीखता है वही बिकता है” . So Your look and feel for the brand is very essental factor for branding your company or your product .
You have to look in to 4 matrix for the look and feel of your branding
1.Brand Name
The brand name you put should be utterable and matching the nich of your product and service .
2. Tag Line And Slogan
Its a simple short-line message that you wanted to spread about company’s vision or the best offiering by you or the betterment you are creating in your customer’s lifestyle through your brand.
3. Logo
Logo is a unique shape of your brand , that how your potential customer will recognise you. You should make a simple logo which should be different from other. If you wanted to design your logo then contact our Team – design@sellopedia.in or visit our website –https://sellopedia.in/ . We can Build professional logo for you .
4. Color Theme
Every brand focus on the color theme as like a ligh blue colour is preferred in Medical and Pharma Brands and for Bar or resturant they use Bright colours in their branding . Making color theme is one of the most important aspect of branding your busines .
You can take Example of – WOW momos , its a Momo specialised Indian Fastfood brand they always use the ” Yellow ” colour as their colour theme . All of their resturant chain store are decorated as “yellow colour “. As they lunched their Yellow Army to help older people in kolkata by providing groceries and medicines.
As like Youtube , Facebook and other big brands like Jio , Westside , Reliance they use the color theme in all their stores , promotional and non promotional events or activities.
3. RRR Formula
RRR is one of the most important aspect to look for positioning your brand in the customer’s mind . So RRR is ….
- Repeat
- Recall
- Recognise
Remember your Childhood We remeber Ads of Brands like –
” पहले इस्तेमाल करें ___________” – By Ghadi Detergent
” Washing Powder __________” – By NIRMA
Recently we have also watched ads of PULSE
” प्राण जाये पर….. Pulse Na jaye ” –
See all these ads we have seen many times in TV and other medias . After watching this ads they drop a hidden message in our mind and creativity of ads like a rhyme or jingle helps to remember and recognise easily .
so as I blank the other half line of ads you can easily remember it .
This is the power of RRR formula . When some catchy or intresting or unusal thing repeated , We able to Recall from our memory and can Recognise the hidden message of it .
You have also to promote your brand’s hidden message to your customer easily with the help of Retargeting Tolls and funnel techinique of Digital marketing . If You wanted to know more about it contact us – SELLOPDIA TEAM.
4. Protect Your Brand
As we faced a lot more competition in the market , if a product , service or brands started growing in the market then protection of your Brand , your service or your product is the most important.
Protecting your Brand Name , Logo and protecting your product and services know as protecting your Intellectual Property. Your intellectual assectes will help you to scale up your brand ,your product and services.
If someone steal your product design or utility of the producut then if you have design or utility patient of that particular product then you can easily sue that company.
Also if you register your Brand Name and Logo , then no other can use the same .
Its works like sheild , you can visit offcilal website of IP india for applying patient or trademark for your business .
If you need our consultation on the same then contact us – SELLOPEDIA TEAM.
Hope you like the blog and watch the above video to know more about low cost branding .
Also if you need to grow your brand and need free consultation on the same then contact us – SELLOPEDIA TEAM
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